Branding for Goodall Ag Repair
Mar 04, 2023
Goodall Ag Repair provides agricultural equipment maintenance and repair services, specifically for John Deere equipment, in South Eastern Washington State. When owners Josh and Krista were getting started, they new they wanted to present themselves as a professional, legitimate business.
They already had a lot of connections with farmers in the area, and wanted to develop a brand that would appeal to them.
I drew upon the inspiration of tractors (obviously) and "western" typography reminiscent of an old timey mercantile sign.
While "John Deere Green" is a trademarked color and we couldn't use it, we went with a similar green, which represents agriculture, produce, freshness and prosperity. Paired with pure black it looks modern and a little edgy.
During their BrandStorm Session, we decided they did not need to spend time and money creating a website at this stage in their business, especially since their clients all come from referrals from a tight knit community. They have a Facebook page that serves as their online presence.
Josh and Krista knew the focus of their marketing efforts would be referrals and maintaining strong relationships with their customers, so they wanted a brand that would look great on apparel and swag. I kep that in mind while I was designing.
Since launching in 2019, Goodall Ag Repair has grown to full capacity and still loves their branding! Giving branded gifts to their clients is still their main marketing and retention strategy and it works great!
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