Meet Tanya Goodall Smith

WorkStory Creative™ Founder, Personal Branding Expert, Branding Photographer and Best Selling Author


Available for speaking, press opportunities, interviews and article writing


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Get Tanya's Best Selling Book, The Introvert's Guide To Personal Branding

Unlock the secrets to authentic personal branding with The Introvert's Guide to Personal Branding: How To Put Yourself Out There Without Changing Who You Are.

This essential guide empowers introverted entrepreneurs to develop a personalized strategy, build a strong brand identity, and confidently promote their business without compromising their true nature. Step out of the shadows and achieve business success on your own terms—grab your copy today!


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Tanya Goodall Smith helps personal brands amplify their influence with strategic visual story telling


Tanya Goodall Smith is a highly sought-after branding and visual communications expert, founder of WorkStory Creative™ and a Certified Personal Branding Strategist for Brand Builders Group. Over the last 20 years she’s worked with hundreds of internationally renowned brands, including GUESS, HP, Microsoft, Gary John Bishop and The Life Coach School, to develop and improve their brand assets.

While pursuing a degree in Visual Communications at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, she won multiple awards for design and was chosen to do her internship at an advertising agency whose clients included Universal Studios, Disney, Dreamworks and other entertainment giants.

While serving on the board of the National Association of Women Business Owners, she was a finalist in their Maria Sharapova Women’s Entrepreneur program. Her current clients are personal brands and service providers who are ready to take their brand image to a more professional level. She helps them develop an authentic visual identity across all mediums with her Brand Attraction Method.

Tanya was a pioneering developer of personal branding photography and teaches dozens of photographers around the world in her Business of Branding Photography course at She’s also a mentor for the global photography education site, SLR Lounge and has had hundreds of articles published in their magazine with millions of viewers.

Interview & Presentation Topic Examples


Authentic is the New Black

How to stand out in a sea of cookie-cutter content by leveraging your authentic greatness. 

Personal Branding For Introverts

A roadmap for how to build authority, raise perceived value and easily attract high-end clients while remaining true to your introverted nature.

A Picture's Worth 1000 Words

How visual communications can make (or break) your brand image and what to do about it. 

Interview & Presentation Topics


Authentic is the New Black

How to stand out in a sea of cookie-cutter content by leveraging your authentic greatness. 

Personal Branding Basics

A roadmap for how to build authority, raise perceived value and easily attract high-end clients.

A Picture's Worth 1000 Words

How visual communications can make (or break) your brand image and what to do about it. 

Select Podcast Interviews

Podcast Episodes for Photographers


Click photos below to download for media use

Contact Tanya for an Interview